About Us


Our Mission

To glorify God by making disciples of Jesus and living out the Gospel together

Our Vision

To be a growing fellowship of believers who are being transformed by Jesus and empowered by the Holy Spirit to make disciples

Our Values

Christ-centered, Spirit-led, Rooted, Generous, Faithful

Our Story

Our Values

  • Christ-centered    →    Jesus is the center of our lives, homes, and spiritual community.
  • Spirit-led    →    The Holy Spirit gifts us, guides us, and empowers us to live on mission with Jesus.
  • Rooted    →     The Scriptures are the authoritative source of truth for life, faith, and spiritual practices.
  • Generous    →      We passionately offer God our lives, gifts, talents, and resources as expressions of worship.
  • Faithful    →    We live in humble submission to the lordship of Christ and serve His Kingdom in joyful obedience.

Our Beliefs

Grace Church is a church of the Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians (ECO). This means that we align ourselves with these essential tenets:

God's Word

We glorify God by recognizing and receiving HIs authoritative self-revelation, both in the infallible Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments and also in the incarnation of God the Son


With Christians everywhere, we worship the only true God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit- who is both one essence and three persons


Jesus Christ is both truly God and truly human. The divinity of the Son is in no way impaired, limited, or changed by His gracious act of assuming a human nature, and that his true humanity is in no way undermined by His continued divinity

Our sin and God's Grace in Christ

The present disordered state of the world, in which we and all things are subject to misery and to evil, is not God’s doing but is rather a result of humanity’s free, sinful rebellion against God’s will. Jesus Christ is the sole path by which sinners become children of God. In union with Christ through the power of the Spirit, we are brought into right relation with the Father, who receives us as His adopted children

Covenant life in the church

In Christ, we are adopted into the family of God and find our new identity as brothers and sisters since we now share one Father. Within the covenant community of the church, God’s grace is extended through the preaching of the Word, the administration of the Sacraments, and the faithful practice of mutual discipline

Living in obedience to the Word of God

Progress in holiness is an expected response of gratitude to the grace of God, which is initiated, sustained, and fulfilled by the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit. As we practice the discipline of regular self-examination and confession, we are especially guided by the Ten Commandments

Our Leadership

Bryan Wilson

Lead Pastor

Steven Latham

Executive Pastor

Mary Jinks

Director of Operations

Robin Boyd

Family Life Director

Bailey Chambers

Worship Leader

Stephen Kidwell

Director of Technology

Emily Towns

Administrative Assistant