Advent 2022 – Day 4
Wednesday, November 30th
Splendor and Majesty
By Melinda Dickson / Season of life: Worker Bee, Mom, Grandmama
How many are your works, Lord! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. ~ Psalm 104:24
Almost every afternoon, I take my dog, Alex, for a walk at Lakeshore Park. We have gone through the heat of the summer, the frosty cold of winter, watched the flowers begin to bloom in the spring, felt the cool breezes of fall and even walked in a few rain showers.
No matter what my day has been like, as I start to walk, a sense of peace and joy comes into my heart. We walk surrounded by sounds – cars driving along, cheers from baseball and soccer games, kids laughing on the playground and, right now, construction machinery rumbling along.
But there is a peace even in all the noise – listening to the birds, watching the geese take flight, changing colors and leaves dancing to the ground, imagining the smiles of squirrels as acorns cover the ground, the sparkle of the river in the sun and a sky so very blue.
Moments to be seen and heard, and these are the moments that fill my heart with peace and joy. Psalm 104 describes his wondrous creation, and it has become one of my favorites. When I look around and see the picture the world wants me to see, I read these words of this Psalm and know the splendor and majesty of this world – creation made for us by the One who loves us and wants to fill us with joy. And it is in this joy, we can find rest for our souls.
“I come to the peace of the wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief. I come into the presence of still water. And I feel above me the day-blind stars waiting for their light. For a time, I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.” – Wendell Berry, novelist and poet
Closing Prayer
Dear Father, Thank you for the splendor and majesty that surrounds us daily in both great and small moments. May we keep our hearts open to see and hear the joy you have given us throughout your creation. Amen
Take a few moments to read Psalm 104.
Which phrases or images stand out to you the most as you read?
What simple moments throughout your day are most sacred to you? Write them down. Ponder them for a minute or two. Then, thank God for those simple moments of peace and joy.
Lord God, may I “repeat the sounding joy” of who You are today!