Advent 2022 – Day 3
Tuesday, November 29th
Finding Time To Be Thankful
By John Anen / Season of life: 61, Lawyer, Hiker
O come, let us sing unto the LORD: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms. For the LORD is a great God, and a great King above all gods. In his hand are the deep places of the earth: the strength of the hills is his also. The sea is his, and he made it: and his hands formed the dry land. O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker.
~ Psalm 95:1-6
Mornings are usually hectic. I’m busy taking care of the “girls” – LADY, a 6-year-old Shepherd mix and ROSA, a 4-month-old Miniature Australian Shepherd. I’m checking all the “court calls and messages” that come in, trying to handle all the excuses of “I can’t come to court today because… I’m sick… have COVID… next week would be better”, or my personal favorite “I may miss court today because I am having a bit of an issue with the police.” During all of this, I find it hard to sit and spend time praying or being thankful.
As an avid hiker, my favorite hike is the Alum Cave trail to Mount LeConte. On my way to work, there is a hill on Sanderson Road. When I hit the top of it, there is a wonderful view. I have started a habit of guessing, by the look of the sky and clouds, how far I will be able to see when I get to the top of that hill. There is a water tower that is visible locally, then a low range of mountains. As I crest the hill, I am slow to take in the beauty that God provides and I find myself saying “Thank You Lord.”
This moment on the way to work is always a thankful and joyful moment for me. At times, I can see only the water tower. Sometimes, I can see the range of mountains behind it. Often, there is a smoky haze on the mountains, a cloud inversion or even a rainbow. Two or three times a month, I can see beyond the lower range of mountains and see Mount LeConte and all its majesty. This is the best feeling, knowing I’ve been there and that I long to return.
Closing Prayer
Lord, as we go through our busy, hectic lives, help us take time daily to be thankful and joyfully appreciate the wonders you have provided for us.
Think of a moment when you were stunned by the beauty of God’s creation. Where were you? What did it look like?
What is the most hectic part of your day? ________________________
In what way(s) could you add a moment of joy and thankfulness to this part of your day?_______________________________________________________________________________________________
Lord God, may I “repeat the sounding joy” of who You are today!